Mission Jamaica, 8th Grade Trip July 10-16, 2011

We will be heading to Eden, Jamaica on July 10-16. Click here for more details about our upcoming trip.

Mission Discovery

To love is to serve!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Night to Remember

We are gearing up and preparing for an awesome time at Night to Remember held at CCGF on Friday, February 18th from 6:30-9:30 pm. The students going on the Jamaica missions trip will be working hard to raise funds for their trip while giving couples a nice night out they will never forget.

Some things to remember for those who are volunteering:
  • Arrive as soon as possible after school to assist with the setup efforts.
  • Remember black pants and white shirt attire.
  • Have fun!
More info or to register for Night to Remember: Call Leanne Roland 412-741-4900 ext.158 or lroland@ccgf.org.

Mission Jamaica

Trip Destination: Eden, Jamaica. Eden is a small village set back in the hills and rainforests of Jamaica.
Missions Partner: Mission Discovery
Our Mission: In this tiny town, the Jamaican Christian School for the Deaf ministers to hearing impaired and special needs children whose families could not otherwise afford such excellent attention and care. Mission Discovery teams spend a week staying at and serving the school. The children will be on summer break allowing our team to make needed repairs such as building new dorms and classrooms, creating safe play areas for the children, or building perimeter fences in preparation for the coming school year. Our team will also lead a children’s bible school in the community of Eden and spend a day at Blossom Garden Children’s Home, an orphanage for more than 70 children. Along with the hard work, you will spend an exciting day shopping at the Straw Market and relaxing at one of the island’s magnificent beaches.

A General Day: After breakfast and quiet time, teams will move to the JCSD construction site where they will work on projects until noon. After lunch, teams will walk to a local church for Children’s Bible School (CBS). Our group will share the gospel through games, songs, testimonies, Bible stories, crafts, and relationship building. Teams should plan for 50 to 70 children from prekindergarten to early teens. Temperatures at the site can be 95 degrees or higher, so steps are taken to ensure that everyone gets the proper amount of water. After a full day of work, the team will have some free time followed by dinner, large group meeting, and a small group debriefing time.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Getting Ready...

The team has been finalized and 22 students and parents will being heading to Jamaica this summer! Our mission will be to support the efforts of a few missionaries located in Eden, Jamaica and help with a local school for the deaf. Half our time will be spent on construction and the other half with the local kids.

Right now the team is preparing support letters and brainstorming fund raising ideas. I know this will have to be a God thing for the cost of the trip can be overwhelming. It will take a group effort. But the cost is nothing compared to what will be accomplished!


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